One-on-one Consultation

You’re ready for a more personalized one-on-one consultation and plan! I get it! Let’s not waist any time. Here’s what I offer with my one-on-one Consultations-

  1. I’ll send you my Health History Questionnaire and you’ll email it back to me for me to look through before our initial skype consultation.
  2. Initial 60-minute skype consultation. You’ll tell me your PCOS story and I’ll ask you a bunch more questions. Then, you and I will come up with a plan. Each person I work with is in a different place and needs to heal in a different way. So, this is my opportunity to get to the bottom of what needs to change, how I can best support you, and from there we begin our plan.
  3. Personalized meal plans (28 days) with weekly recipes and shopping lists. These include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. They will be very detailed and yet give you flexibility. Some people choose to follow these exactly, while others use it as a template and get ideas for healthy, healing meals. The meals are made with nutrient-density in mind. Most people don’t get enough nutrients- vitamins and minerals- and this is crucial to heal PCOS.
  4. Herbal Recommendations. These are different for everyone, but there are herbs that have been proven safe and effective for reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar levels, and managing PCOS.
  5. Exercise and lifestyle recommendations. These recommendations also vary for each person. But, exercise is key in managing blood sugar levels and healing PCOS.